15 % off letterheads: Benefit from our anniversary campaign and save 15 % until 30 September 2024. Discount code: HAPPYLETTER-15
15 % off letterheads: Benefit from our anniversary campaign and save 15 % until 30 September 2024. Discount code: HAPPYLETTER-15

Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half

Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half 1
Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half 2
Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half 3
Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half 4
Base price (net)£ 31.43

Additional options


Delivery approx.

Production time
Standard5 working days
Express3 working days
Delivery approx.
Upload artwork
Standard shipping (DPD)
Production: 5 working days
£ 0.00
£ 0.00
£ 0.00
* The calculated delivery date can only be met if you have uploaded the artwork until the specified date.
£ 0.00

Upload artwork

Delivery approx.
Upload artwork
Standard shipping (DPD)
Production: 3 working days
£ 8.71
£ 0.00
£ 8.71
* The calculated delivery date can only be met if you have uploaded the artwork until the specified date.
£ 8.71

Upload artwork

Production time: 5 working days
Delivery approx.
Upload artwork
Standard shipping (DPD)
Production: 5 working days
£ 0.00
£ 0.00
£ 0.00
* The calculated delivery date can only be met if you have uploaded the artwork until the specified date.
£ 0.00

Upload artwork

Production time: 3 working days
Delivery approx.
Upload artwork
Standard shipping (DPD)
Production: 3 working days
£ 8.71
£ 0.00
£ 8.71
* The calculated delivery date can only be met if you have uploaded the artwork until the specified date.
£ 8.71

Upload artwork

Print Files

Use your own artwork
Upload after checkout
Upload print files
Upload print files
  • After checkout, upload your print-ready artwork.
  • File types: PDF, TIFF or JPEG
  • When uploading the artwork, you can check the uploaded files again.
  • Your order will be processed as soon as the artwork has been received and, in case of payment in advance, the amount due has been booked.
Design online
Simply in your browser
Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half design online
Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half design online
Choose your preferred template and customise the colour, font and style in the next step.
Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half design online
Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half design online
Choose your preferred template and customise the colour, font and style in the next step.
Upload print files
Upload print files
  • After checkout, upload your print-ready artwork.
  • File types: PDF, TIFF or JPEG
  • When uploading the artwork, you can check the uploaded files again.
  • Your order will be processed as soon as the artwork has been received and, in case of payment in advance, the amount due has been booked.
Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half design online
Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half design online
Choose your preferred template and customise the colour, font and style in the next step.
Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half design online
Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half design online
Choose your preferred template and customise the colour, font and style in the next step.
net£ 31.43
incl. VAT 0.00 £ 31.43
Delivery approx.:
Weight: approx.
Weight approx.
Per copy

Artwork information Flyers with spot hot foil stamping, A5 Half

  • Data format (incl. mm bleed): 7,6 x 21,4 cm
  • Trimmed size: 7,2 x 21 cm
  • Special requirements for creating the artwork:
    • for finishes there are specific requirements
  • We will not check for overprint settings
    • here we show you how to set up your artwork with spot finish in InDesign
    • in order to avoid the image to be printed upside down on the finished product, the artwork should take the text direction into account
    • to achieve an optimal result, the minimum font size should be 6 pt
  • Resolution: 300 dpi
  • Include a surrounding trim of mm, important information should be at least 4 mm from the edge of the final format size
  • Fonts must be completely imbedded or converted to curves
  • colour mode: CMYK, FOGRA51 (PSO coated v3) for coated paper
  • Maximum colour application of 300 %
  • We will not check for spelling and/or typographical errors
  • Transparencies created with CorelDRAW must be reduced
  • Comments will be deleted and not printed
  • Form field content will be printed

How do I create print data correctly?

Print templates
Artwork information

Product details

  • Four-colour print on the front and reverse (4/4)
  • spot finish can be applied to the front only
  • The hot foil spot application enhances the printed products and visually highlights individual elements.
  • adds another dimension to your print products
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